Wednesday 30 November 2011


assalamualaikum and happy evening to all reader...

jam kat laptop telah mengukir nombor 12:24 AM .
and all person in this room have had a fabulous dream .

seriously , aq tngah boring GILER !
only i can do is , surf the internet / write something on my blog / sleep / dreaming / eating and do something worse .

untuk beberapa minggu nie aq stay kat KL .
wow ! npew cm pelikkan ?
oke ! nk citer larh nie . sabar ! sabar !

-dri JB trus stay kat QUALITY HOTEL (BANGI) - bwah tu workshop bukan market .
-from that aq n my brother stay kat umah aunty (SUNGEI BULOH) for several days .
-disebabkan quality hotel tu cm hampeh jerk , my dad decide nk rent bilik kat EQUATORIAL HOTEL (BANGI) - smart kot but no y5 .
-tido with my family for a few days , me and my sister plak decide stay kat umah my aunt (SUNGEI BULOH)
-and now , aq berada di REGENCY HOTEL (KL) - kat kl tau ! jam oo !

tu larh citer nye .

tpi cm sikit kan citer nie .
herm .
x tau nk citer apew .
aq cume nk ckp .
tu jerk .
tpi mcm nk ckp yg

oke goodnight .
ngantok sudaa !
assalamualaikum .
ingat daku dalam mimpimu (dakwat terlebih , nie larh padahnye)

Sunday 13 November 2011

my secret vacation


hey guys..still remember my story about somewhere..the ocean??
oke..hari tu aq ade janji nk citer about my secret vacation right?? so here we go..

the truth is..i just went to PULAU PANGKOR..bukannye bunuh diri or pegi mati..<= sentence from arul/aril..not too sure..
pergi snew ngan my aunt and her family...sorry no photo cause my laptop bluetooth is missing..
so ujust read my story..and the story just beggin..

on friday
my sister n me..went to KL 
tompang kete cekgu UMie..wooouuuu..
smpai KL mlm .. my aunt tunggu kat shopping mall..
dont sure where is it..
when we both dah dipaskan to my aunt..dah settle sume..
my lovely pillow trtinggal dlm kete tdy,,owh man!...
im crying in my heart..#kot
then, kiteorg pi mkn..
pastu blek umah my aunt then tido..

pastu ari ahad brtolak g perak..
jln2..pastu jlan..
mndi kolam...
herm..mkn lagi..+ tido..and its a day..

isnin g snorkelling n kayak-ing
just that..ofc we had our breakfast n lauch n dinner..
mlm tu blek then smpai umah tido larh kan..

selasa..g skola SESERI..
meet my eldest sister..then meet my parents..
and come back to JB with my parents..
#seriously not in my story became not best at all n i not perfectly story to u...owh gosh..just read and leave your comment..TQ..

Sunday 16 October 2011

ade lagu...

dgr x lagu tu?? 
punye larh buntu x tau nak letak lagu..
pastu blaja kat youtube...
blaja ngan hawa x pass2..
awa jgn marah eh...
ayu x die??sopan x??
korunk adew??x kan..die jerk yg ade..
heheh...nie best friend mse aq drjah 4 smpai skrg..
wlaupon dah lmew brpisah..still contact...ahhaha..
xde gmbr yg tunjukkan muke die larh...
awa!!klo kite ltak gmbar awq yg kite snap kat tmn ue boley X??
dah stop jerk lah kat cnie an..
idea nak menulis pon ilang tiba2...haish..x pew2..

Thursday 13 October 2011

selamat tinggal sayang!

aq nak ucapkan selamat tinggal..
nnt aq nak pegi jauh
jauh tinggalkan korunk..
maybe for several days i do not update my blog..
huhuhu..sdey kan?? :'(
aq nak bawa jasad aq ke laut..
jauh tau..
lawa sgt tempat tu..
excited giler nak pergi..
aq pegi ngan shasha..
ngan die nie lah..
ayah ade kursus
mak kene tanda kertas PMR
kakak x de cuti
akiim x de cuti
yg free kteorg jerk..
so..kteorg jerk lah yg pegi mmbwwa jasad ketengah lautan..
*tngah?? aq x rela nak mati lagi..

dont pegi ngan my aunty n her family..
and i WILL back with my stories..

plus..with this vacation..i dont really upset with my caunselor for the trip to terengganu..
g+g+g+r+r+r = gggrrr....

i end by now.....*x de idea sbnarnye..
and about where i want to go...its gonna be my secret..

Wednesday 12 October 2011


hye..nk update citer nie..bce elok-elok eh..
ari nie aq citer pasal .........
ade 3 skola yg aq boley msok..
boley tau..skola len x boley...
sm tun fatimah...jb..
npew skola tu??sbb..
sbelah tu tmpat kerje ayah aq...
maktab perguruan temenggong ibrahim..
so ayah x de lah risau sgt...
tiap2 ary boley men lambai2..hehehe
second school 
  • maktab rendah sains mara-pontian..jb jugak
 knpew nk msok snew??
sbb...adeq aq skolah snew...
tgk..tgk!!nie lah adeq aq nie...
bestfriend + musuh + alien + adeq + sayang = complete lah sume...
die nii nakal ckit nie..klo jmpew die..mmg abes r duit aq..bukan duit jerk...tnaga pon ilang
ops..smbung psl MRSM k..
klo skola snew....nnt ade mmat nie..
die pon paksa jgak aq msok snew..sbb..
nk kkk skolah ngan die..
x de larh kiteorg dmm sbb rindu an..
*peristiwa awal taun..sengal x??
  •   last school...sekola menengah teknik JB..jb gak..
 skola nie pilihan hati + rela mmg aq nak pergi skola nie
nk amek..lukisan kejuruteraan..+ ????? TK
aq x tau TK tu
tdy dah check + tanye kakak yg stay snew..

tgk..cute x?? senior aq nie klo aq skola snew..
hahah..lpas die citer...semart jgak skolah snew..
yg pling SUKE GILER..
''skola nie dah dinaik taraf..skola cluster''
hahah..tpi MRSM PONTIAN sekolah VITARA..

3 nie jerk tau aq pegi..skolah len x boley..
huhuhu..x pew2..insyaallah..slah 1 nie dpt kan...
smangat nak masok asrama nie...
mcm nak packing pastu pergi jerk stay kat MRSM/TEKNIK JB/STF..
sengal?? mse nie jrk..


Monday 10 October 2011

my besties

assalamualaikum and hello to my visiter..
today i would like to tell u about my lovely friend...

first dear
yg tudung putih tu nmew die ...............
she with her family at universal studio,singapore
klo rindu jerit jerk...muncullah die..

athilah syafiqah
yg berspek tu athilah..
die nie lah yg suruh aq wat blog..
tgk!.hasil paksaan ko...
gmbar kau kat cnie..

best kacau die..hahha
tudung biru = isyah..
die suke kacau aq
x per lah...
aq tau ko syg aq an?

bju kurung biru + dduk = jia..
bz jerk..lpas pmr nie x tau plak

bju gelap2 sblah jia tu =atyn!
peminat korea..<3 lee min ho...
am i rite??

gadis ayu bju pink =aisyah
aq minat die!!
aq miniat kacau die..

  zaty n ieka..
kakak-kakak aq..
lol...die org lahir duluu dri aq..
happening giler klo ngan dorunk..
<3 korunk ketat-ketat..

bju kotak...ninie!!
cute x?? pozing cm modell kn???
klo nk amek jdi korunk nye model..
ask her permission okay..

posing comey2 tu..
atyn!! terey taekwondo nie
jgn men2 ngan die..ganas nie..*kot

nie larh gmbr kwn2 aq...comey kan?? klo korunk sunyi..panggillah kiteorg..confirm...kecoh abes...
eh nk wat pengakuan syg korunk ketat-ketat..x cukup ketat aq amek tali ikat..heheh..

its me!! name is sitinurkhadijah .... daughter of en.kamarudin and pn.dahlia dahalan..
second daughter of 4 siblings...
blakang tu my youngest sister.. siti nur aisyah..she love to snap..
oke...hye to u new here..
and u allowed u teach me everything about blog
thank you..